
特別鳴謝以下英文資料全由Trence Chan提供



 天煞  未來戰士續集(特別版)     You've Got Mail

Alien     Aliens    Alien 3       Alien Resurrection 

Wild Wild West        Scarface         Three Kings          The Wall        The Sixth Sense 鬼眼

The Peacemaker     The Mummy 盜墓迷城     The Matrix 廿二世紀殺人網絡

Spawn 再生俠              The Jackal 追擊職業殺手     The Last Star fighter

The Hidden     The Abyss 深淵     Mystery Men    Practical Magic     Out Of Sight

Lost In Space 迷失太空       Mercury Rising      Hackers       Galaxy Quest

Fight Club 博擊會       Dark City


一區 天煞

小弟英文差,前兩日深呼吸一口氣,睇返早排由Terence Chan貼上新聞組的【隱藏秘枝】英文版,




所以小弟大膽咁用中文來Post多一次,請Terence Chan勿見怪。



畫面的右下角,你會見到一張書桌,書桌下面有個叫做【Data Console】的字樣,


非常易做到,但係當這個【Data Console】字樣變成白色後,












你又再利用搖控的上下箭咀,去選擇【Main Menu】,然後按搖控上面的【Enter決定】掣。



你要快手快腳咁按搖控上面的 7 和 4,然後按【Enter決定】掣,過左鐘的話,又要由頭來過呢!!!



睇完晒你想睇的目錄,你仲可以在這個畫面中,按搖控上面的 7然後按 2 ,再按決定,


今次係按入搖控上面的 7然後按 3,咁又再有另一批新的畫面等緊你睇。

Don't forget after you entered 太空船的駕駛倉, you can press "7" + "2" +
"enter" or "7" + "3" + "enter" on your remote to enter another hidden menu.



一區 未來戰士續集


別忘記此特別版DVD除 theatrical version 及 extended version 外,

仲隱藏了第三個 extended special version 喎!

Easter Egg access instructions>>Yep... there's a virtual third cut of T2 available on this DVD, thanks to>the wonders of seamless branching. It gives you about 3 minutes of>additional footage beyond the special edition cut - one additional scene of>the T-1000 searching John's bedroom and the "Future Coda" alternate ending.>Here's what you do. Play the disc one Side One. When you get to the main>menu, select "Special Edition" - that will take you into the SpecialEdition>sub menu. You'll notice the terminator on the left, with his left eye>glowing red. Highlight the words "Play Special Edition," but don't startthe >film yet. Then, using the number pad on your DVD player's remote, enter the >numbers 82997 (also known as Judgement Day in the film). This procedure may >differ from player to player. For example, on my Sony 7700, I have to enter >the numbers one at a time like this: 8, Enter, 2, Enter, 9, Enter, 9,Enter, >7, Enter. Each time another number is input, you'll see a new word appearon >the small display on the right side of the picture. When you're done, >they'll spell out "The Future Is Not Set". Once that happens, BOTH of the>terminator's eyes will glow red, and you'll see a new selection appear >above - "Play Extended Special Edition." Select that and you'll get to see>the third, hidden cut. One last note - I suspect that many of you will have>trouble getting this feature to work, due to the way different players>handle remote input. So if you're really having a lot of trouble, here's a>cheat to see the third cut without the code: start any version of the film,>and while it's playing, use your remote's search function to switch to>"Title 3" on the disc - that's the third cut (Title 1 is the theatrical>version and Title 2 is the special edition). So there you go.> >




Fox Home Video has hidden 3 Easter Eggs on their 20th Anniversay Edition of"Alien".
From the main menu highlight "Extra Features" and then press the left arrow key to highlight the left window. Press "Enter" and you will see the production credits for this DVD.

Now highlight "Scene Selections" from the main menu and press the right arrow key to highlight the other window. Ifyou press "Enter" now, you will see the flightplans of the Nostromo and extensive crew information.

Finally, go to the "Extra Features" submenu and arrow down until you highlight the acid puddle at the bottom of the screen. If you press "Enter"now you will be able to see Kane's transmission of the alien's lifecycle.




20th Century Fox Home Video's release of "Aliens" also contains 2 EasterEggs. From the main menu go to the "Extra Features" submenu and there arrow all the way down until the vital-signs monitor at the bottom of the screen is highlighted.

Press "Enter" now and you will see the production credits for this DVD. Not really hidden, but unadvertised, this disc also contains trailers to all 4 Alien movies in the "Extra Features" section.



Alien 3

Fox Home Video has also released some hidden features on the release of"Alien 3". Go to the "Special Features" menu and there select the "Making Of" documentary. After the documentary is over, a second "Alien 3" Trailer
starts that includes scenes that are not even in the final cut of the film.



Alien Resurrection

As on the other 'Alien' discs, Fox Home Video has put some unadvertised trailers on 'Alien Resurrection'. From the disc's main menu go to the 'Extra Features' section where you will find an entry called 'Trailers'.

As you'd expect, it will bring up trailers to all four Alien movies. Although not an explicitely hidden feature, many of you were excited to find these trailers on the disc.



You've Got Mail

Warner Home Video's release of the romantic 'You've Got Mail,' starring Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan contains a few hidden features that appear to be DVD-ROM content, but are also accessible on standard DVD players.

While viewing the HBO documentary on the disc, you can use the 'skip' button on your remote control to go to the next chapter. Here you will find a comparison of three key scenes from the movie from the two previous versions of the stories 'The Shop Around The Corner', and 'In The Good Old Summertime.'

You can also use your remote control to directly access other bits and interview pieces on the disc. Title 57, chapter 1 reveals 'Tell Us About Your Character, Joe', title 58-1 brings up 'How Did You Get Involved With
You've Got Mail?, title 59-1 features 'What Does Patricia Do For A Living?'
and title 60-1, reveals 'What Was It Like Playing Frank.'



Wild Wild West

Although Warner Home Video has stuffed quite a bit of content on their release of 'Wild Wild West', there even more than the eye meets at first.

Many of the clips used in the DVD-ROM section of the disc can be directly accessed through the remote control of your player! You will have to directly jump to certain titles, so make sure to check out your player's
manual, if you are unsure how to correctly address titles.

Here is a list of titles with clips for your viewing pleasure.
Title 20-1 - Will Smith and the Mallet stunt
Title 21-1 - Bary and Will play fight
Title 22-1 - Actors goofing around on the set
Title 23-1 - Kevin Kline becomes Grant
Title 24-1 - Painting in the 'live' pictures
Title 25-1 - Elaborate sets
Title 26-1 - Magnet collars and flying blade scene
Title 27-1 - Will Smith's horse stunt
Title 28-1 - The Tarantula and CGI
Title 29-1 - The Bike-Plane, CGI, and concept art
As we pointed out, these are clips that are regularly played as part of the
disc's DVD-ROM content.




Universal's Collector's Edition of Scarface contains some materials that are not immediately obvious when going through the disc's content.

Go to the 'Bonus Materials' from the disc's main menu and from there go to the 'Making Of Scarface' section. Although at first it seems this is only a documentary, if you bring up the documentary's chapter listing you will also find entries for the still gallery, outtakes and a trailer for 'Carlito's Way' that are mentioned in the disc's inlay.



Three Kings

On Warner Home Video's action-packed and feature-laden special edition of the Gulf-War story 'Three Kings' you can actually find a number of hidden features.

To get a TV Spot, go to the disc's 'Special Features' menu, then select 'Production Notes' and from there go to the 'Origins'. Here, push the arrow key up and you should find a highlighted grenade. Press 'Enter' and a menu
appears with the TV spot on it.

There are two more Easter Eggs that reveal passwords to be used on the Three Kings DVD Events web-site.

The site is not there yet, but as soon as Warner starts with the online events for this title, it will go live. To get the
first one , go to the 'Special Features' menu then select the 'Cast & Crew'menu.

Here push the arrow key up and you should see another grenadehighlighted. Press 'Enter' to obtain the password 'SCUD'.

The final one can be found by going to the 'Special Features' menu, and choosing 'Continue' until you get to the final menu. There push the arrow key down until another grenade is highlighted. Press 'Enter' and you will be
given another password, 'BAGHDAD'.



The Wall

Sony / Columbia Music has hidden some interesting material in the menus of the release of the Pink Floyd rock-opera epos 'The Wall'.

On almost every menu screen on the disc you can see a symbol in one of the corners of the screen. Through the regular menu navigation these symbols arenot accessible, but if you hit the '9'-key on your remote control, you canactivate them.

As a result you will hear various soundclips from the movie
as well as clips from the Pink Floyd albums 'Animals' and 'The Final Cut.'



The Sixth Sense 鬼眼

Buena Vista Home Entertainment's release of the supernatural thriller 'The Sixth Sense' contains some interesting hidden feature.

Access the 'Bonus Materials' from the disc's main menu, and on the second page of these bonus materials you will find an icon of a jewelry box embedded in the screen.

Highlight the jewelry box using your directional keys on the remote control,press the 'Enter' key and the box will open up to reveal a video tape inside labeled 'Night's First Horror Film.'

The director comes on to introduce a clip from a film that he made when he was 11 years old. The clip is about 90 seconds long.



The Peacemaker

Dreamworks Home Video have surprisingly hidden a feature in one of their first titles already. Go to the "Cast & Crew" section from the disc's mainmenu.

Press the "Arrow Up" button on the first page of the biography of George Clooney, Nicole Kidman or directress Mimi Leder to highlight theperson's portrait.

Pressing "Enter" will now bring up an interview snippet with the according person.



The Mummy 盜墓迷城

Once again, Universal Home Video has hidden the complete movie soundtrack on one of their Collector's Edition. This time it's the DVD release of their action-adventure blockbuster 'The Mummy'.

Go to the disc's main menu and from there go to the Language menu. Once the animation has finished you will hear Jerry Goldsmith's flamboyant soundtrack in its entirety in glorious Dolby Digital as epic background music for this menu screen.

The disc also contains trailers to 'Gods And Monsters' and 'Darkman II' hidden in Brendan Fraser's and Arnold Vosloo's biographies respectively.



The Matrix 廿二世紀殺人網絡

Warner Home Video's release of 'The Matrix' contains two advertised hidden features.
From the disc's main menu go to the 'Special Features' and there select 'The Dream World'. Apart from the text menu entries you will also see a red pill.

Select it and you will be taken to the 'What Is Bullet Time?' documentary.

Also in the 'Special Features' section, go to 'Cast & Crew Bios' and there select the Warchowsky Brothers. This will bring up another red pill. Select it and it takes you to a 12-minute documentary called 'What Is Concept?'



Spawn 再生俠

New Line Cinema's "Spawn" disc contains a complete Marylin Manson music video!

Insert the "Special Features" side of the disc and press the right arrow button when you see the message "Trip Like I Do" on screen. An image ofMarylin Manson will appear.

 Hit "Enter" and you will see a menu screen with three doors. Two of the doors will bring up a small animation, and if you hit them four times in a row, you'll see the Clown speaking backwards.

The one door that says "Parental Advisory" however will take you right to the video.



The Last Star fighter

You can find a trailer to director Nick Castle's hilarious comedy "Major Payne" on this Collector's Edition from Universal Home Video. Got to the Special Features menu, press the right arrow key to get to the second page
and then select the cast & crew biographies.

In director Nick Castle's filmography that follows his biography you will find a reference to "Major Payne". Select it and press "Enter" to watch the trailer.



The Jackal 追擊職業殺手

Universal's Collector's Edition of "The Jackal" contains more materials than are visible at first. Without further mentioning, their "Making Of"documentary also contains a section with an alternate ending, deleted
scenes, production stills and more, all of which are not directly accessible through the "Special Features" menu.

 Use the chapter stops during the featurette to get to those parts at the end of the documentary.



The Hidden

New Line Home Video has hidden a number of exciting trailers on their release of Jack Sholder's horror-actioner The Hidden.

Three trailers in total can be found on the disc, if you know where to look.From the disc's main menu, go to the 'Special Features.' In this selectionselect the 'Cast & Crew' menu entry that will take you to selected

If you explore the biography and filmography of actor Kyle MacLachlan you will find trailers to 'One Night Stand' and the feature film 'Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me.'

If you go to read director Jack Sholder's biography and filmography, you will also find a trailer for 'A Nightmare On Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge.'



The Abyss 深淵

20th Century Fox Home Entertainment's spectacular 2-disc box set of the James Cameron underwater epic 'The Abyss' contains a series of hidden trailers that can be found all over the place on the second disc.

From the special features menu, select 'Mission Components' and you are taken to a new menu. At this menu hit up on the directional buttons to get above sea level. Hit up until the wave is highlighted.

Hit up once more and the plane above the wave will be highlighted. Hit 'Enter' and you are shown
a coming soon trailer for 'True Lies'.

Also, while at the first special features page select 'More'. At this menu select trailers and you are taken to a few trailers for the Abyss. If you notice, there are a few posters behind these.

From the reviews trailers hit up and Aliens is highlighted. Select it and you can watch the trailer for
'Aliens'. From the main trailer hit down and 'True Lies' is highlighted.

Press 'Enter' to view the trailer or hit right and 'Strange Days' is highlighted. Select it and you can view its trailer as well. Here is a list of other trailers you can find on the disc.

True Lies teaser - Click 'The Abyss In Depth - Mission Componenets' Click the up arrow. Click on the little harrier jet in the sky. True Liestrailer - Trailer section, poster behind other postersAliens trailer - Trailer section, poster behind other posters Dolby Digital trailer - Main Menu. Click Audio options. Click on 'Hydrophone

Aliens teaser - Main Menu. Click Audio Options. Click on facehugger.
Aliens teaser - Main Menu. Click Subtitle Options. Click on facehugger.
Aliens teaser - Imaging Station. Highlight 'Pseudopod Multi-Angle' Click
left on your remote.

Aliens teaser - Personal lockers, all the way in the back. Click on facehugger in the upper right corner.
Aliens teaser - Documentary. Click on chapter 18 on the documentary chapter selections and you will see a face hugger on the rail. Select it to run the trailer.

Strange Days teaser - Imaging Station. Highlight 'Image Gallery Menu' Click down on your remote.



Mystery Men

Universal Home Video has hidden some hidden trailers on their release of the action filled comedy 'MysteryMen'.
From the disc's main menu go to the bonus materials. There, scroll down to the second page of the bonus materials and select 'Recommendations'.

Here you will find a picture of 'American Pie' and 'Army Of Darkness'. Click on the film reel under these pictures and you will be taken to the hidden trailers. Also scroll right and you will find a picture and trailer for'Darkman.'



Practical Magic

Warner's release of "Practical Magic" contains a small game. Go to the main menu and then to the Special Features. Select the "Cauldron" in the center of the screen and you will see a screen with a number of herbs to brew your own love potion.

Select Rosemary, Mint, Grapes and then Lavender in exactlythis order and then go to "Mix". You will now be treated to "Making Magic"and "Casting The Spell", two documentaries on the movie.



Out Of Sight

Apart from a trailer to Steven Soderbergh's "The Underneath" in the director's filmography, Universal Home Video's release of "Out Of Sight" also contains a number of real hidden features.

 Go to the "Language Selection" menu and highlight the entry called "Menu". Now press the right arrow key and a Zippo lighter with some additional information will appear.The same thing works in the "Spoken Laguage" and the "Captions & Subtitles" submenus.



Lost In Space 迷失太空

New Line's Platium Edition of "Lost In Space" is stuffed with extras. The first one is the New Line logo in the main menu.

Select it and you will see a credit screen. Within this screen you can select the "JVC Digital Cameras" entry and it will bring up a small commercial with Buzz Aldrin - the second man on the moon - who tells you how
great those cameras are on a lunar landing set.

Besides this feature, the cast & crew section contains a trailer for "Dark City" under William Hurt's entry, and one for "Austin Powers" under Mimi Rogers' entry.

Finally, the disc also contains a quiz called "Your Mission". It's a little quirky to use at times, but it's definitely worth doing it. To make it short, here are the answers for the quiz. Part 1: C,B,C,B Part 2: BACD Part
3: 1965, 1966, 1966, 1980 and Part 4: 15, 1997, 4, 1992. Make sure you enter the correct answers or will have to start all over again.

Once you're through with the quiz, you will see part of a totally funny "Lost In Space" blooper reel!



Mercury Rising

It took a while, but finally the game in 'Mercury Rising' has been solved.

Go the to 'Bonus Materials' from the main menu and then down to the 'Theatrical Trailer'. If you press the left arrow key now, the title on the magazine will change to 'Crack The Code'.

You will then be taken through a quick series of screens that supply the decoding information for the last
one, which will freeze on your screen. If you correctly decypher the codes,the resulting message will be 'Security Breach Level One'.




MGM have hidden a small scene on this release of “Hackers”. Go to the main menu and press the left arrow key. This should highlight the oval“Hackers” logo. Then press the “Enter” key and a screen with four
passwords will appear. Choose “God” and you will see a small animated sequence.



Galaxy Quest

Dreamworks Home Video has hidden a number of entertaining hidden features on their release of the space spoof 'Galaxy Quest.'

From the disc's main menu go to the 'Cast and Crew Biographies.' In the biographies of actors Tim Allen, Sigourney Weaver, Alan Rickman, Tony Shaloub, Daryl Mitchell and Sam Rockwell you will find small buttons that you can highlight using your remote control.

 If you press 'Enter' they will reveal some interesting interview clips with the according star talking
about the movie and the colleagues. You can find the same buttons in the biographies of director Dean Parisot and the movie's Creature Effects crew.

The disc also contains a menu entry called 'Omega 13.' Although not a real hidden feature, just make sure you watch the movie before triggering this menu item...



Fight Club 博擊會

Apart from the many extras, 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment's incredible 2-disc special edition of 'Fight Club' also contains some hidden features.

On the main menu of the first disc of the box set, select 'Special' and then press the 'Up' arrow key and you will highlight a Smiley face. If you press 'Enter' now, you will get to see two credit screens for the release.

From the main menu of the second disc - the one with all the extras - go to the 'Advertising' section. If you press the 'Down' arrow key on your remote control three times, another green Smiley face will appear right underneath
the 'Promotional Gallery' entry.

Now, press 'Enter' and you will be taken to a section where you can scroll through a catalog of Fight Club
merchandising. All the items have amusing anecdotes accompanying them,
similar to the style of the press kit.

You may also want to keep your eyes open for a text message by Tyler Durden at the very beginning of the film. The screen actually looks like the FBI warning but upon examination, it turns out to be Tyler Durden's Homework Assignment'...



Dark City

New Line’s Platinum Edition of 'Dark City' does not only contain a lot of supplements, it also contains some hidden features. There is a scene from 'Lost In Space' hidden in William Hurt’s filmography page and in Kiefer
Sutherland’s filmography, you can find a scene from 'Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me' in the star highlight.

 There is also a game in the disc. To solve it, go to the 'to shell beach...' menu first. You need to find a bloody
knife, which can be found in Kiefer Sutherland’s biography, accessible from the 'cast and crew' menu. Go back to the 'special features' menu and select 'neil gaiman on dark city'. The doctor’s card is Hidden on the first screenof his comments.

Next we need a postcard. Enter 'the metropolis comparison'from the 'special features' menu, and pick the 'original weekly variety review' to find the shell beach postcard. Now go back to the 'cast and crew'
menu, highlight Trevor Jones and press 'Enter'.

On the tenth screen of his biography you will find the shell beach souvenir. Go back to the 'cast and
crew' menu and select William Hurt for the clock, which can be found on the eighth screen of his biography.

Finally, go to 'set designs' and skip through them until you see the syringe. Select it, then press 'Enter', and behold an interestingly, twisted animated sequence. Make sure you go through the steps in the correct order
without errors, or you will have to restart the game completely new by re-inserting the disc or turning the player on and off to see this special feature.

